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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Mike R
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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  DILLIGASDAVE October 8th 2011, 12:32 am

1st pass was just a little scuff, 2nd pass gets a little more interesting......

Man, turbo cars sure do have some "umph" after the launch.........

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  dfree383 October 8th 2011, 1:00 am

guy's lucky it broke @ the starting line....... a Little Speed and that could have went very very wrong.

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  605FOX October 8th 2011, 12:04 pm

dumb ass


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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  342g October 8th 2011, 12:16 pm

I like the way he gets out, and waves to the crowd, like he did something great, as was said, dumb ass.

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  AZFairlane October 8th 2011, 1:37 pm

So many people grab a wirefeed welder and say look I can weld. When in reality they don't know the first thing about it. Evil or Very Mad Mad

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  stangr8cr October 8th 2011, 1:38 pm

Hope the welds on his legs are stronger than the ones on the car, what a dipshit!!

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  bruno October 8th 2011, 1:50 pm

AZFairlane wrote:So many people grab a wirefeed welder and say look I can weld. When in reality they don't know the first thing about it. Evil or Very Mad Mad


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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  Mike R October 8th 2011, 4:53 pm

Those obviously were not gorilla welds...

Mike R

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  Curt October 8th 2011, 5:10 pm

I've had better penetration with JB Weld. Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Welding-goggles

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  69F100 October 8th 2011, 6:40 pm

Yep no penetration without penetration just not going to work for long there is more to it than just being able to laying down a pretty weld,from the looks of it it started letting go on the 1st pass he is lucky it didn't happen on top end.

Last edited by 69F100 on October 8th 2011, 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  the Coug October 8th 2011, 7:23 pm

69F100 wrote:Yep no penetration without penetration just not going to work for long there is more to it than just being able to laying down a pretty weld,from the looks of it it started letting go on the 1st pass he is lucky it didn't happen on top end. Whats up with the fire jacket and shorts on that just don't make hole lot of sense to me safety is not number one for him for sure stuff like that should not be let on the track.He don't care for his safety you think he cares about yours if you was running beside him ?

if you will look again he has no Legs those are prosthesis...... Shocked
the Coug
the Coug

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  69F100 October 8th 2011, 8:01 pm

You right Randy I just looked at it again on a bigger screen my bad

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  AZFairlane October 8th 2011, 8:56 pm

He might not have any feet or legs to burn, but he might have something above that and I think he still should be required to wear full length pants so the fire doesn't go up those baggy shorts. Rolling Eyes

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  Curt October 8th 2011, 9:03 pm

If he lost his limbs by an IED, he'd probably tell everyone to kiss his ass. He is far safer at home, on the track than on foreign roads.

If not, then its still up to him, hard to hurt him more than he already is.

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  bb429power October 8th 2011, 9:26 pm

AZFairlane wrote:He might not have any feet or legs to burn, but he might have something above that and I think he still should be required to wear full length pants so the fire doesn't go up those baggy shorts. Rolling Eyes
Here we are supposed to wear pants and long sleeve shirts and a helmet if you go like faster than 16. And I agree that if your going down the track you should at least have some jeans on and a helmet, and that's that! I didn't see a helmet but he could have left it in the car, either way he's a tool...To put it nicely...

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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  whatbumper October 8th 2011, 10:07 pm

how about that!! Shocked


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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  racnrick October 9th 2011, 12:56 am

I have always wondered why they don't put the concrete jersey barriers down the middle and separate the two lanes. I think it would be safer by keeping the cars apart. With the walls it would have probably cut down on a lot of the damage to the cars in the clips. By containing the loose car in their lane, it would have kept the other cars in the other lane from being damaged. It would suck just crashing my car, let alone contacting my opponents car and wrecking his/hers also, I'm sure they would be pissed, just the same as I would be if someone came across and hit my car, I know that is part of racing, but I would still feel bad taking someone else out, I would rather be contained in my lane. I think with the barriers, it would help keep some of the cars straighter and not allow enough time for them to get crossed up enough for a straight head on crash into the opposite wall.

Watch at about 2:47 in this clip, the guy unlatches his belts while the car is still sliding, if the car would have caught and started rolling again, he would have been tumbling like clothes in a clothes dryer. affraid

One last safety concern that I see over and over, is with some cars, one of their crew guys is standing up by the starting line while their car is coming out of the water box sideways, and the car goes by them on a across the line burnout, if the driver loses it, they would run right over them. Evil or Very Mad You never see this in the Pro classes, they stand to the side untill the car starts backing up.


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Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........ Empty Re: Check your welds + turbo cars got "grunt"........

Post  DILLIGASDAVE October 9th 2011, 2:54 am

racnrick wrote:One last safety concern that I see over and over, is with some cars, one of their crew guys is standing up by the starting line while their car is coming out of the water box sideways, and the car goes by them on a across the line burnout, if the driver loses it, they would run right over them. Evil or Very Mad You never see this in the Pro classes, they stand to the side untill the car starts backing up.
I don't know, in the past I have seen where some Pro teams do have the back-up guy standing "out there" somewhere too.

When I'm helping someone at the track I usually stand dead center in middle of the lane/groove about 20ft past the starting line as they are approaching the water box so I can better direct them to the center of the water box/lane/groove. Then I tell them to start the burnout only after I start to walk toward the right side of the given lane. This usually places me standing next to the center X-mas tree protector (if right lane) or next to the guardrail/guardwall (if left lane) as the car powers past the starting line on a rolling burnout.

Doing it this way allows me to see exactly how straight most of the burnout was (as it's happening), while still giving me someplace to go if something goes wrong and causes the burnout to get way out of hand. And seeing exactly how straight/crooked the burnout might have been (viewed from the front) better helps me decide when backing the car up if I need to have the driver stage the car dead center/pointed a little to the right/pointed a little to the left.

Too many cars end up backed up/staged crooked because the crew standing behind the burnout loose track of the car in the smoke & don't see exactly how crooked the burnout actually might have been (and how much steering wheel the driver had to use). So sometimes they back the driver up & stage crooked from using only his crooked burnout tracks.

In the past I have seen where a team might have the back-up guy stay standing in the center of the lane during a rolling burnout. But it was usually a situation where a real short burnout was used & the back-up guy is standing more than far enough out.

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